Recently a friend and I were talking about movie quotes and which were our favorite lines.

Two that I love are 1) Said with a thick mexican accent, "Badges? Badges!?! We don't have no stinking badges, and what's more we don't need no stinking badges!" -- The Treasure of the Sierra Madres

And 2) Said while strapped to a table as a laser is slowly aiming a red beam of death towards his crotch:

Bond: "Do you expect me to talk, Goldfinger?"
Goldfinger: "Nooo Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
- the movie Goldfinger

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 12, 2005

That's no moon - it's a space station!

on Oct 12, 2005
"I ain't got time to bleed"
-Jesse Ventura in "Predator"
on Oct 12, 2005
Dirty Harry: "Make my day!"
on Oct 12, 2005
I will be back ....

on Oct 12, 2005
Hasta la vista, baby!
on Oct 12, 2005
No one can die - while he loves! Meet Joe Black 1998
on Oct 12, 2005
'wake's time to die'

blade runner
on Oct 12, 2005
It's like, you know each other's secrets. Your deepest, darkest secrets. Yeah, and then you're free. You're free, you're free to love each other completely, totally, just no fear. So there's nothing you don't know about each other and it's okay.

(really loved this movie) Meet Joe Black
on Oct 12, 2005
last one: gotta run...

Captain Corelli's Mandolin

"When you fall in love, it is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake, and then it subsides. And when it subsides, you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots are become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part."
on Oct 12, 2005


Jack Nicholsons reply to Tom Cuise in 'A few good men'
Never seen the movie though, only heard it in the trailer.

on Oct 12, 2005
The 4 Marx Brothers in - Duck Soup (1933)

Firefly: Not that I care, but where is your husband?
Mrs. Teasdale: Why, he's dead.
Firefly: I'll bet he's just using that as an excuse.
Mrs. Teasdale: I was with him to the very end.
Firefly: Hmmph. No wonder he passed away.
Mrs. Teasdale: I held him in my arms and kissed him.
Firefly: Oh, I see. Then, it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.
Mrs. Teasdale: He left me his entire fortune.
Firefly: Is that so? Can't you see what I'm trying to tell you? I love you.
Mrs. Teasdale: Oh, your Excellency!
Firefly: You're not so bad yourself.
on Oct 12, 2005

Marcel Marceau
Mel Brooks' Silent Movie
on Oct 12, 2005
"Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it." Rodney Dangerfield (Al Czervik) in CaddyShack
on Oct 12, 2005
Some great quotes, brings back memories. Here's my fave

Convict: You're gonna kill me with your soup cup?
Riddick: Tea, actually.
Convict: What?
Riddick: I'll kill you with my teacup.

No prizes for guessing the movie
on Oct 12, 2005
"I ain't got time to bleed"
-Jesse Ventura in "Predator"

I will be back ....


Hasta la vista, baby!

Ah-nold's movie always have cool quotes!
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