Because man, thare has GOT to be something better than this! ;-)
Published on May 11, 2005 By Stupendous Man In WinCustomize Talk
Ok, so we've all got to get up out of bed in the morning and go earn a living, but do you love the work you do? Why even Brad has to go to work, or that spiffy Jag he just bought goes back to the dealership, and that would be sad for those of us who live vicariously[?] through him.

But I digress. Do you love the work you do, if not what would you like to be doing? And try to be realistic.

Myself for example, I work as a clerk in a civil service job. It pays the bills, but I would love to have a job working in computer animation. Especially after I saw The Incredibles!

Comments (Page 4)
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on Aug 20, 2008

In 1973 I did my first commercial drawing...was a 2500 sq.ft solid brick house for my driving instructor [got my licence that year].  By '74 I was working in a drawing office [we built 'em too] and we built that first dwg of mine.

35 years later and I'm still drawing houses.

The sense of achievement when you see one in the flesh [built] is still the same....but the utter bullshit you have to go through with Councils, etc got very old very fast.  Over the years I probably have been instrumental in removing about a half-dozen from their employment...because they were somewhere between incompetent and arsehole.

I also have broken up several fisticuffs between builders, tradesmen and 'brave' one was getting between the builder [about my size] and the Inspector [a Tongan probably my size laying down]....

If I never did another drawing I'd miss the creative challenge....but if I never had to deal with another regulatory body [eg. Council planner] I'd be a happy chappie.

As with ALL careers Architecture has its darkside...

on Aug 20, 2008
As with ALL careers Architecture has its darkside...

You forgot to put in lights?
on Aug 20, 2008

You forgot to put in lights?

I'm just gonna have to slap you.....

on Aug 20, 2008
but if I never had to deal with another regulatory body [eg. Council planner] I'd be a happy chappie.

ain't that the truth!
on Aug 20, 2008
I don't even know where to start. I'm on the verge of quitting. My responsibility to my family is all that is holding me back. Over the past year, my job has gone from something I looked forward to everyday to something I dread. The past six months I have had to carry around nitro pills and I am only 45. Things are probably going to hit the fan over the next week and I only know that nothing will change. I've been a chump and they got me dirt cheap and now intend to use me to remove a problem employee.

I would love to find something where I could work from home. We could fire the babysitter and save a fortune. I think I would actually relish cooking the meals and taking care of the house for a while and spending some real Daddy time with the kids. I could write for hours on this. Suffice it to say, I am miserable at my job.
on Aug 20, 2008
Wow! This thing is still around??? I just started a new job after four months of unemployment. I don't think I gonna like it but I gotta work,
on Aug 20, 2008
I love my job except for one thing, it's sort of temporary. I work for an elected member of government, so when the next election comes up (3 years), I could be out of a job if he decides not to run again.
on Aug 20, 2008
Do you like your job

on Aug 20, 2008
We could fire the babysitter and save a fortune. I think I would actually relish cooking the meals and taking care of the house for a while and spending some real Daddy time with the kids.

If you can afford it that would be great. Family is the most important thing in the world. This becomes more apparent once you don't have one. (
on Aug 20, 2008
I'm not crazy about my job...but the people I work with are great, and that makes it all worth while.
on Aug 20, 2008
Wow! This thing is still around???

Old threads never die, they just collect dust.
on Aug 20, 2008
but the utter bullshit you have to go through with Councils, etc got very old very fast.

add to that Land & Environment Court....

I work with a small specialist investigation unit.....locking up paedophiles & kiddy fiddlers ....unfortunately...judges don't always throw away the key....'s a great team....I enjoy it...
on Aug 20, 2008
I've done a variety of things over the years, but my fav job that I enjoyed doing most was furniture removalist (house mover to those with US accents ). It was hard and heavy work but that was what I liked about it - never felt the need to watch the clock cos I was constantly busy - and there was always the satisfaction of seeing another happy customer on a job well done. Yup, my boss and I took pride in what we did, so a dissatisfied customer was something we rarely encountered, if ever.

Being a merchant seaman traveling the Asia-Pacific wasn't bad either, but it took one away from home for extended periods of time and could often times be a lonely life, especially when on night shift and the majority of crew were asleep. Probably would have stuck it out for a few more years but the company replaced the entire crew for Asian guys they could pay 'peanuts' and get away with it to cut costs.

These days, however, I am on a disability due to osteo arthritis, mobility issues and constant pain caused by a degenerative spinal condition, and hips/knees that are shot to ribbons as well... not to mention a semi-permanent headache and concentration issues because several vertebrae in my neck have no discs and now are bone grinding on bone. It's not the kind of life I would have chosen - being a fit and healthy Playboy photographer would be great - but it's the hand I've been dealt and I have to make the best of it.
on Aug 20, 2008
No. Underpaid. Raises are rarely given. Health insurance is too expensive. Only advancement opportunities are out-of-state. As much as i hate my job, i have my family to think about. They depend on me. So i gladly do it. With a smile.......
on Aug 20, 2008
I would love to have a good steady programming job in environment that I enjoy.

That's still a couple of years off since I am still working on my computer science BS.
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