Because man, thare has GOT to be something better than this! ;-)
Published on May 11, 2005 By Stupendous Man In WinCustomize Talk
Ok, so we've all got to get up out of bed in the morning and go earn a living, but do you love the work you do? Why even Brad has to go to work, or that spiffy Jag he just bought goes back to the dealership, and that would be sad for those of us who live vicariously[?] through him.

But I digress. Do you love the work you do, if not what would you like to be doing? And try to be realistic.

Myself for example, I work as a clerk in a civil service job. It pays the bills, but I would love to have a job working in computer animation. Especially after I saw The Incredibles!

Comments (Page 3)
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on May 12, 2005
Work = work that's why its called work, not FUN or SEX, or JOY!

To be honest I would so much rather be doing skins and web design full time then the crud i have to do. But since i have made a total of about $700 doing skins in my life, i don't think that's gonna get the bills paid. The Web design is a good part time job but its not gonna make me rich. Unless there is someone out there that needs a full time web designer, that wants to pay me outrageous amounts of money!

or maybe someone will just pay me to make desktopx meters all day.. hell id be happy to make $0.01 / download on each widget. that would at least make it worth while.
on May 12, 2005
notice how the fun words are 3 letters .. while the bad one is a 4 letter word...
on May 12, 2005
I love my job. I've been a college professor for 17 years; an administrator on campus for a year and a half. I spend tons of time teaching (which is great, especially when students admit that they actually enjoyed the class [it's organic chemistry, no one takes it as an elective!]) and solving problems for students (which is very rewarding). Wouldn't change it.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 13, 2005
Do you love the work you do

No. That's why they pay me to do it. If loved it, I would have to pay them!
There's worse jobs, so I can't complain too much. I drill gas wells.
on May 13, 2005
I take packages (on avarage of 35 - 45 pounds) out of a truck and on to what is called an extendo that brings these packages into the facility and into trucks going to your home.

You be surprised how many times I use my training from school to move these packages. My degree (what is called a Bachler in Science... otherwise known as a B.S. of which I find very interesting) affords me the high pay and thrill of getting dirty in a dusty truck as boxes fall on my head and feet. For what its worth, I even use some of my grad school training to figure out ways for even more boxes to hit my head.

I love my job. Why? Because my last one was worst.
on Aug 20, 2008
I like my job more now but I still don't love it.
on Aug 20, 2008
on Aug 20, 2008
Thats an oldie...
on Aug 20, 2008
I would love to enjoy any job. Disabled for ten years and hate it. Sitting around wasn't the way I was raised. Proficient in computer graphics would be nice though.

Diability pay sucks by the way. No Jag for me.    
on Aug 20, 2008
I don't have a job. I'm a student. My job is to study. I'm good at it, but I hate it.
on Aug 20, 2008
Also, what's with BUMPING a 3 year old thread?
on Aug 20, 2008
Also, what's with BUMPING a 3 year old thread?

It's a necrothread...we raise them from the dead sometimes.

I loved my old job. I got to blow stuff up, shoot stuff, cruise around the ocean, jump out of helo's, scare an entire Tunisian village when we landed an entire MEU on the beach...ah good times.

My now job isn't too bad. It pays the bills mostly. I hope I don't retire from this job.
on Aug 20, 2008
I have not any job more than half of year. So I can't like or hate zero...  ( 
on Aug 20, 2008
Do you like your job?

I Just love it .....

sleeping 16 hours every day         
on Aug 20, 2008
MD....Love the work, love helping folks.....HATE Insurance Co.'s!
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