Since my wife is hispanic and often calls mi & my son Papi, I chose papidon, Don being my name.

Although, I am tempted to change it to something a bit cooler like some of the names you all have.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 16, 2003
Dabe is an easy to remember combo of my first and last names. Di is my real nickname, but it was already taken. Not very interesting or exciting, huh? But, I am looking for a new screen name.

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on Dec 16, 2003
Groan, I'm not posting all that fuzzy logic stuff again. G read the other threads...
on Dec 16, 2003
My name came around after a long stint in various chatrooms under several different names... "TextManiac" "One-Eighty" "TD (Twin Dragon)"
Wanted to get a name and keep it! Was scratching around for days trying to think of one... Found it in the oddest place.... My old PC speakers... They where called Xaltec, can't remember the maker, but they wern't exactly top quality!
That was three years ago and I'm still quite comfortable with Xaltec or Xal or Xally or just plain X
on Dec 16, 2003
Groan, I'm not posting all that fuzzy logic stuff again. G read the other threads...

No need to Fuzzy.... I've had many a chuckle at some of the posts you've made. I don't think you coulda chosen a more apt nick.
Nope... no fanboy stuff here, I just happen to like the way you think!

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on Dec 16, 2003
Americans get strange looks when they mention 'fanny packs', much so that most would blanch at the thought and desist....if they knew

I won't ask
on Dec 16, 2003
Well I attribute mine to one of my favorite past times, Golf!! When I first started playing I spent a good amount of each round yelling FORE, in order to warn the poor folks on the adjacent fairways that they were in mortal danger... That was a looooong time ago and I rarely have to yell on the course these days. Maybe it's time to look for another nick...

So, if ever you're on a golf course and you hear someone yelling incomprehensibly just duck!!
on Dec 16, 2003
Golf has to be the most stressfully relaxing game I've ever picks a club up to beat a little ball with in my life!
on Dec 16, 2003
My imagination. I'm soft & cuddly.
on Dec 16, 2003
Gotta agree with you on that one IP.. I've broken more than one club in fits of rage! I never knew that graphite drivers could shatter into so many pieces..
on Dec 16, 2003

I used to be "JavaBrain" for my love of coffee, but everyone assumed that I was a Java programmer....

So, one day, as I was sitting wearing a tie-dyed T-shirt and birks (yes, I *was* wearing pants) and watching the lava lamp on my desk, "KarmaGirl" just seemed like a good nickname.

on Dec 16, 2003
Jafo knows the true Oz meaning behind 'Wombat' but in my case it is the reuslt a long and mostly insane career.

I've had it from my days as a 'Troon' OCC .... mostly as a result of a relentless pursuit of 'Toorak Tarts'!

Later .... the 7th RAR version of a 'Tunnel Rat' was a 'Wombat' .... natural selection!

Even later ... the infamous 'Wombat Incident' occured during a training exercise when an FNG from a regional 'friendly' force proceeded to 'land' a Caribou loaded with my platoon and a Land Rover armed with a 105mm Carl Gustaf, known 'Officialy' as a Wombat .... a foot below the edge of the strip at Oakey!!
Needless too say, the 'Boo lost both main oleos, the rate of deceleration increased sufficiently to break the hold-downs and accelerate the Landie rapidly toward the forward bulkhead, at which point the entire platoon ascended the fuselage sides and proceeded to give very passable impression of a group of Three Toed Sloths hanging upside down complete with a very twitchy junior platoon commander who was a trifle worried that the ready round loaded in the 105 (not a practice looked upon with any favour by senior staff) might really screw up his day.... while above the grinding and thumping noises given off by a Caribou demolishing itself and a pair of unfortunate (but empty) Medical Landies the CWO Instructor (who it seems, was a tad unhappy with the fixtures and fittings on 'his' side of the bulhead being belted around by the errant Landie smacking it a glancing blow!) the could be heard mildly berating the FNG in colourful but politically incorrect terms ....

Much later ... due to a metabolic quirk I work through the night and sleep during daylight hours .... as does a 'Wombat', which is nocturnal, grumpy, chunky and hairy .... I'm going to die with the tag.

And if you've read all of this you must have too much time on your hands!

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on Dec 16, 2003

hell of a thing is, having that memory would be worth more to me than being Knighted
on Dec 16, 2003
oh btw, Jafo was also taken and Son Of Jafo would be insulting to Terry

on Dec 16, 2003
Jafo wonders how much of #57 anyone actually guess is they all fell off the plot round about 'Troon'....but never mind, I liked it....
on Dec 16, 2003
My initials S-N-K
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