Since my wife is hispanic and often calls mi & my son Papi, I chose papidon, Don being my name.

Although, I am tempted to change it to something a bit cooler like some of the names you all have.
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on Dec 15, 2003
M eye ND TRIP p
on Dec 15, 2003
"Xcessive Scratch'....thanks for that...I'd given up trying to fathom what your nick was supposed to be....I translated it as Citizen 'thingie'....
on Dec 15, 2003

ah Jafo... you do know what a "thingie" is in the states don't you?

on Dec 15, 2003
I can imagine....but remember....Americans get strange looks when they mention 'fanny packs', much so that most would blanch at the thought and desist....if they knew...
on Dec 15, 2003
mine came from the good old days when I sold Macromedia software on eBay (legally I might add) MACRO is from macromedia, and baye (or bay-e) is from ebay, only with the e at the end...hence macrobaye
on Dec 15, 2003
When I was 15 yrs old some fellows decided to use me as their stakehorse at a few local pool halls...I have since lost 90% of my talent, but at one point I was a "hustler" Hus became a nickname for me online...and has been for many years now. Anyone wanna buy a one-of-a-kind Helmstetter?
on Dec 15, 2003
I got my nick from God. One day he told me if I would start doing what came natural to me, I would be Naturally Awesome! I listen to God, as you can see lol...
on Dec 15, 2003
SuperHero Canadian

The second part is just obvious the first part i attribute to my ever expanding ego
on Dec 16, 2003
I got mine from my parents, when I was a kid.
Every time they bought me a new toy, I'd go straight to my room and pull it to bits... I just had to know how things worked.
One particular birthday, (I think I was turning six) they bought me one of those battery-operated robots with the flashing lights, and cool noises etc, and by the same evening it was in bits all over the bedroom floor.
Upon entering my room and seeing their newly bought birthday gift in pieces, mum let out a world-weary sigh and said... "I certainly wish you would 'wreck less' and play with more of your toys!"

....strangely enough, I still have that affliction to this day....

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on Dec 16, 2003
It ain't nobodies business how I got my nik. Go away. >
on Dec 16, 2003
@ Old Crab
on Dec 16, 2003
XX was short of X > X a mathical immposibility. Dunno why I chose that.

( It was before I even tought up XXCalc too. )
on Dec 16, 2003
but sometimes x>x

in my mind
on Dec 16, 2003
Tiggz is a declension of my first nick - EasyTiger
on Dec 16, 2003
I chose my nick because I have 1½ legs (One and a Half)

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