Hey all. O.K., I've been here on WC for about 3 years more or less, and I absolutely love customizing my rig. I've got a buddy who is also very much into computers, and after I downloaded the DX theme 'LCARS NCC1.00A' by alpha-omega, I thought I'd introduce him to the world of WC. Good idea, right? Share the wealth and all that. Well guess what? After showing him the DX theme, my favorite WB (Alien Technology by DavidK), and the rest of the OD Suite all that he said was "That's cool." No enthusiasm whatsoever! Man, when I found this place I went nuts! I couldn't download fast enough! And when I couldn't download anymore then I bought stuff so I could!

So. What do you think? Why would one guy absolutley love this stuff and another sees it and thinks "that's cool"? I'm interested in hearing your theories.

Anyways, thank for listening.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 26, 2005
It is the same with my and my buddies

People's taste vary so wildly
on Jul 26, 2005
some people read a scifi and go "you know that would be possible except..." and then they try to figure it out.
other people read a scifi an go "alien space mutants! cool!"

some people look at a computer and wonder about the inner workings
other people look at a computer and wonder why it can't look like the one in the Heinlein, or the movies

maybe not so much as 'taste' but... what do you see when you dream
on Jul 26, 2005
The people I know who do not have an interest in customization fall into two categories:

1 - users who do not use the computer enough to want a change in the look of the GUI

2 - system administrators who are more interested in working with command prompts, network directories (Active directory, Domains, Forests, etc.), and desktop support where simple is better (from a troubleshooting viewpoint) - most of these guys see enough of computers for 8 - 10 hours a day working to maintain systems not belonging to themselves.

I think customizers generally have an interest in either producing GUI art themselves, or at least have a true appreciation for artistic GUI creations and their applications.
on Jul 26, 2005
Speaking of DavidK I need to call him - see what he is up to.
on Jul 26, 2005
Speaking of DavidK I need to call him - see what he is up to.

When you do, see if we might be treated to another skin. I use Alien Technology quite often.
on Jul 26, 2005
I think that those not interested are aliens. Period.
on Jul 26, 2005
some people read a scifi and go "you know that would be possible except..." and then they try to figure it out.
other people read a scifi an go "alien space mutants! cool!"

You know, I think that may be a big part of it. I also love sci fi, and computers are one of the major themes of science fiction. One of my favorite stories is "The Two Faces of Tommorow" by James P. Hogan (if you're into stories about A.I. I suggest you give it a read).

Customization, especially DX themes, allow themers to imagine what the computer of the future could be; which may explain the popularity of alternative OS themes like LCARS.

We look at a computer and imagine the future despite the Windows underpinings.

Maybe we're also--at least a little--nonconformist. Why settle for ho-hum when you can get yo-wow!

I have to say it saddens me for the ones who're missing out.
on Jul 26, 2005
I think that those not interested are aliens. Period.

Well then we must taken to our leader. Has anyone seen Brad?
on Jul 26, 2005
I get the same reaction...... I don't know anyone that doesn't think I'm nutz for spending so much time with skinning. They don't get it. I think they may the ones who are nutz.
But me...... from the moment I first sat down in front of my first computer, I thought "why does this have to be so ugly?" When I discovered skinning, I was instantly hooked.
on Jul 26, 2005
Yes...it's all because Wizop Koasati is nuts....
on Jul 26, 2005

I bought my first pc in early May 1999... weeks later I had an early version of WB running on it. My logitec mouse caused the darned thing to blue screen every five minutes, but I was still hooked.

Those were the days. There was such a newness and fascination for the whole thing. I remember how excited I got when WB added support for scroll bars...

I cannot understand anyone who isn't interested. My IT collegue at work thinks skinning is 'sad'. But then as an A/S400 guy, anything beyond a black screen with green text is probably a bit much for him...

on Jul 26, 2005

anything beyond a black screen with green text is probably a bit much for him...

I used to 'skin' my command prompt in Dos.....now THAT'S 'sad'....

on Jul 26, 2005
I met someone the other day who had actually heard of DesktopX... it was spooky... our conversation just kinda ended. Normally I have to explain it all....
on Jul 26, 2005
I met someone the other day who had actually heard of DesktopX... it was spooky... our conversation just kinda ended.

on Jul 26, 2005
My first puter experience was a bit over 2 years ago....the MS walls were sad so I began with changing them...switching to 'classic style to change the colour scheme from the sad XP Blue.

Then I discovered Desktop Architect to change icons, cursors and more....but it still wasn't enough. Wouldn't apply the startup and logons in XP. I needed more!

StyleXP was the next step...but what was the point of it when applying alternative boot screens messed up my system. More, more, more....without hacking my rig.

Enter Objectdesktop and Wincustomize....finally, the tools to satisfy my addiction....the tools, also, to draw criticism from other PC users among family and friends: "wot u want that rubbish for?" In one ear and out the other, and I continue on my merry way....oblivious to the nuts who criticise and don't or won't experiment with GUI customisation.

I'm nuts....don't think so! Who in their right mind wants the sad XP blues Not I.
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