Because man, thare has GOT to be something better than this! ;-)
Published on May 11, 2005 By Stupendous Man In WinCustomize Talk
Ok, so we've all got to get up out of bed in the morning and go earn a living, but do you love the work you do? Why even Brad has to go to work, or that spiffy Jag he just bought goes back to the dealership, and that would be sad for those of us who live vicariously[?] through him.

But I digress. Do you love the work you do, if not what would you like to be doing? And try to be realistic.

Myself for example, I work as a clerk in a civil service job. It pays the bills, but I would love to have a job working in computer animation. Especially after I saw The Incredibles!

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 11, 2005
Do you love the work you do

Not really. But I am good at it, been doing it for quite a while and as you said, it pays the bills (or at least most).
Workleader, Fed.

Would much rather do landscaping/ponds/falls/etc - but the equipment is expensive. I really want a Bobcat (track) with all accessories to play with.
on May 11, 2005
I hate my job. I hate my job. If you knew what I would hate it too...
on May 11, 2005
Assistant Manager - Quality Control department in manufacturing.

I "like" my job. It keeps me busy, and we face issues each day that are usually different from the previous day.

When free time permits, and there is need, I help the IT department (setting up workstations, running network cables - even some optic fiber - and some basic troubleshooting).

All in all, it is a good thing.

Of course, I wouldn't complain if I found a job that would pay me to live on a beach in Hawaii and learn to surf.
on May 11, 2005
There's times I love it. There's times I don't. Occasionally, there's even times I understand it.
on May 11, 2005
I hate my job
....well, except on wednesday [Payday]
on May 11, 2005
WOM loves his job...Retired
on May 11, 2005
I love my job... President of z3 gx Design!
on May 11, 2005
I love my job. Why would you do something you don't love?

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on May 11, 2005
Why would you do something you don't love?

Because "nothing" isn't a paying job...if it were, I'd be rich as hell!
on May 11, 2005
I adore my job. I'm a preschool teacher at a private nursery school. There's something very rewarding about watching 3-4 year old children develope/blossom in front of your very eyes for 9 months of the school year.

Besides, they're a riot!! I laugh alot at work!
on May 11, 2005
Do I like my job? Depends on what day you ask.

Most days I like it. I get to work on/with a variety of computers (servers, Macs, PCs, Portable PCs running WinCE), and I pretty much get to set my own priorities.

Other days when I'm struggling through corporate burocracy (sp?) just to get a simple part ordered, or else trying to put together an analysis in an impossible amount of time, I wish I could just walk away.

Dream job? Probably beer taster!
Hmmm, maybe I should start training for that right away....
on May 11, 2005
I start Monday. Operations Manager for acoustical barrier mfg co.
on May 11, 2005
The best of luck on the new job, SD!!
on May 11, 2005
I`m on IT..I love it!!I am infront of a pc at work and at home..i even dream of codes sometimes. If only i can be online even when I`m sleep...hmmmm...Oh, No! Info overload!!arrrrggghhhh......
on May 11, 2005
At this point I wish I had a job. I've been unemployed since December of last year. I'm out looking for work now. Hopefully things will get better soon.
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