Standard fair (fare?) at our house this year. My son wanted a Wii, but I [i][b]refused[\b][\i] to pay more than retail for the thing, even though I want it just as much as he does. $600 or more for one?!? Come on!!! I'll just wait for my tax refund and get it for him in February or March. So anyway, what about you? Did you get that cool tech item that you wanted? Just wondering. Have a good one!
Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 27, 2007
A new calculator--a TI nSpire
on Dec 27, 2007
i got 2 t-shirts and a master skin
on Dec 27, 2007
I just got an ipod and an external hard drive!
on Dec 27, 2007
I got my hands on a nice iPod Touch.  Amazing little gadget, I'm already absolutely hooked on it.  Great for watching videos and surfing the web.
on Dec 27, 2007
  Well, I didn't get all the really neat high-tech goodies that you guys got, but Santa did manage to drop me off a new speaker system for my home recording studio.  

The man kept grumbling about he's @#*$ tired, these are too @#%!* heavy to shove down a chimney and that his @$#%&* reindeers were thirsty!

Is Santa allowed to use that kind of language?

on Dec 28, 2007
Is Santa allowed to use that kind of language?

Well if he's been getting away with "ho, ho, ho" for years, I can't see why not.
on Dec 28, 2007

I wouldn't trust Santa. Anyone who says "Ho ho ho little boys, have I got a suprise for you" is a bit dubious.

Anyway, Santa is just a fat bastard in a red suit... Its doubtful he could get down any chimney...  

on Dec 28, 2007
Yay!! My new monitor finally arrived, 20" HP Widescreen in glossy piano black running at 1680x1050..... mmmmmmmm sweet. This is the first post using it.
Everything looks really different from the fuzzy old CRT monitor, so crisp and sharp.

I'd be really happy if my tooth (or, hole where it used to be) didn't hurt so much. Apparently it's still infected and I have to go back tonight to get it sorted out...... Oh Joy!!
on Dec 30, 2007
I'd be really happy if my tooth (or, hole where it used to be) didn't hurt so much. Apparently it's still infected and I have to go back tonight to get it sorted out...... Oh Joy!

o' holy mouth.. sounds like a song... Hang in there bud!
on Dec 30, 2007
The wife and I bought a 42" Plasma for ourselves.  Other than that, the rest of Christmas was devoted to the kids and family.

I did get some giftcards though, might buy some software I have been looking at.

on Dec 30, 2007
You guys get presents for Christmas?! How long has this been going on? @#*$! Screwed again!
on Dec 30, 2007
My wife got me a Logitek pc game controller and Lego Starwars. I know; I'm a little behind times, but hey! It's still fun!

We got our boys light sabers-but I guess those are not really tech gifts, seeing as they are just plastic. Now these would count as tech gifts if they were the real thing!
on Dec 30, 2007
Well...lure of the sales and such....old freebie keyboard was getting dirty....excuse for a new one....saw a DiNovo Edge..... was $72 off it [impulsively]....groovy bit of bling .....[OK, that last is a real anachronism/mix] ....
on Dec 30, 2007
I got meself an iPod touch also, great little thing. Oh, and some more RAM.
on Dec 31, 2007
I got 2 fun tech toys. A pinnacle PCTV HD Ultimate stick. It's one cool little gadget. Handles both ATSC and NTSC signals, it's small, portable and attaches to a USB2.0 port. Will accept antenna, cable or SD video thru an A/V adapter. It appears as both a Flash memory and TV/Audio device to XP and Vista so... no separate CD or DVD to carry. All needed software just auto loads from the stick - easy to setup too. Works great and reasonable in price. The other really fun item was something I sorely needed a Samsung SyncMaster 22" widescreen. Ahhhh!  
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